ESOREX Platform transform Data into Information using charts
Charts are a very good way to visualize available data on ESOREX Platform.
How it works
Use the "Charts" menu to access the desired chart.
After your choice, the chart is instantly drawn with default values for criteria (first available value for each criterion).
When just one criterion is available, select the desired value in the according drop-down list, the graph is immediately refreshed.
If several criteria are proposed, you may choose each of them and press the "Apply" button to refresh the chart with the selected values.
Depending on the data, values are displayed using pies, columns or lines on a single or combined chart.
For a better understanding, charts are always followed by the table of values used to draw the chart are displayed.
Graphs are interactives
Move your mouse over or click the chart to see the detailed data used for each part.
You can also click on colored icons near the legend to hide/show some parts. Note that the percentage is modified with the displayed data.
Available charts are detailed here
- "Workers & Coll. doses" shows the number of monitored workers and collective dose per activity field for a selected country and a selected year
A first pie charts for monitored workers and a second pie chart for collective dose according to the selected country and year
- "Workers per country" shows the number of monitored and measurably exposed workers* per country for a selected year
A chart displaying three columns for each concerned country after year selection, the first one for monitored workers, the second one for measurably exposed workers and the third one for workers with a dose superior or equal to 1 mSv/year
- "Indiv. doses per country" shows the average individual annual dose for monitored and measurably exposed workers per country for a selected year
A combined chart displaying average individual dose (mSv/year) for monitored and measurably exposed workers for the selected year and average values computed over all countries for the same period
- "Workers over years" shows the number of monitored and measurably exposed workers over years for a selected country
A chart displaying three columns for each concerned year after country selection, the first one for monitored workers, the second one for measurably exposed workers and the third one for workers with a dose superior or equal to 1 mSv/year
- "Indiv. doses over years" shows the average individual annual dose for monitored and measurably exposed workers over years for a selected country
A chart displaying two columns for each year after country selection, the first one for average individual doses (mSv/year) for monitored workers and the second one for average individual dose (mSv/year) for measurably exposed workers
- "Workers & Indiv. doses" shows the number of monitored and measurably exposed workers combined with average individual annual dose over years for a selected country and a selected activity field
A combined chart displaying 1) monitored and measurably exposed workers over years for the selected country and field and 2) average individual dose (mSv/year) for monitored and measurably exposed workers with the same criteria
* Measurably exposed worker : worker with a dose superior or equal to the recording level of the dosemeter (for exemple: 0,1 mSv)