Aircrew monitoring:
For aircrew liable to exceed 1 mSv/year of exposure, airlines must assess the exposure of their crew with the help of dedicated calculations codes. The codes used by airlines registered in Belgium are the following:
- IASON-FREE (used by 3 Belgian airlines),
- PCAIRE (one airline),
- GlobaLog (one airline),
- CARI-6 (one airline).
More information can be found on the FANC website about cosmic radiations (in French or Dutch).
In vivo measurements:
- Whole body counting
- Thyroid counting
- Lung counting
- Wound measurement
Radiotoxicological analysis:
- High-Purity Germanium (HPGe) Gamma spectroscopy
- Alpha-spectrometry (PIPS detectors)
- Liquid scintillation counting for low-energetic β emitters
- Gross β in aqueous samples (proportional detector; liquid scintillation counting)
- Gross α in aqueous samples, filters, nose-blow samples (ZnS Scintillation detectors)
- Radium and radon measurements (ZnS Scintillation detectors)
- Strontium, iodine measurements (Gross beta counting with proportional counters)
Internal commited dose assessment:
Health physics expert.
Recording level for internal commited dose:
All doses over 0 mSv.
Monitoring radon exposure:
Radon measurements (along a period of 3 months) can be proceeded by inhabitants with a radon detector furnished by authorities (FANC, districts). If the measurement exceeds 400 Bq/m³, FANC recommends to take corrective actions.
More information can be found on the FANC website about radon (in French, Dutch or German).