Individual doses of air crews are assessed by CARI6 software. Assessments do not take into account actual flight plans, instead an average dose for a destination is assessed. Individual doses are then derived from number of flights to a certain destination for each individual.
There are two whole body counters (WBC) in Slovenia:
- At the Krško NPP two WBCs with NaI detectors are installed.
- At the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana (Department of Nuclear Medicine) one WBC with Ge and NaI detectors is installed. It is intended for the control of workers and for the case of emergency.
The systems have not been accredited or approved yet.
Institute of Occupational Safety (IOS) and "Jožef Stefan" Institute (JSI) are approved to assessed internal doses from gamma spectrometry measurement of biological samples or from contamination measurements. Both laboratories are accredited for suitable methods, but in practice internal doses are seldom assessed according to these procedures.
Approved dosimetry services
Every measurable internal dose is recorded.
Individual doses of tourist workers in Karst caves are included in CRPD. Dosimetry is performed by Institute of Occupational Safety (IOS) radon laboratory. Individual doses are assessed from measurements of radon and radon daughter concentrations and occupancy times for each individual.