Whole body counting is the most frequent used method for measurement of incorporated radioactive materials. The licensees Nuclear facilities (6) have their own whole body counters and their activities are subject to approval by SSM (SSMFS2008:26), which includes review of competence, equipment, methods, quality assurance. SSM maintains agreements with laboratories operating whole body counters other than nuclear facilities (3), for activating them in response to nuclear emergencies. The emergency labs are not subject to approval by regulation although they undergo a review by SSM previous the renovation of the agreements. SSM operates a whole body counter as part of the authority’s radioanalytical activities, having the functions of support in the implementation of the regulation as well as emergency preparedness and response.
The Nuclear facilities themselves decide upon the need of in vitro analysis and the laboratories performing these analysis can be subcontracted. The procedures are then also subject to the same approval process by SSM (SSMFS2008:26). SSM maintains agreements with laboratories that perform radiotoxicological analysis (2), for activating them in response to nuclear emergencies. The emergency labs are not subject to approval by regulation although they undergo a review by SSM previous the renovation of the agreements.
The licensee have the responsibility for the internal dose assessment. The assessment procedures for any single event giving rise to a committed effective dose of 5 mSv is to be reported and an investigation can be initiated by SSM.
SSM has an agreement with the county councils in Stockholm for consultancy in matters requiring radiation-related medical assessments.
5 mSv
In dwellings, long-term measurements of radon activity concentration (at least two months during the heating season) are usually performed. Etched track detectors are used for that purose. At workplaces, radon concentrations are measured by passive detectors in a first step and etched track detectors are commonly used. In case of exceedingly high radon concentrations, follow-up measurements using active instruments, which enable continuous monitoring, are used